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The Roche Foundation Medicine collaboration

Roche Foundation Medicine are collaborating to pioneer progress in precision medicine for cancer patients around the world

As part of our long-standing commitment to pioneering progress in precision medicine, molecular insights leader Foundation Medicine has become a member of the Roche Group. Thanks to Roche’s expertise and commitment in oncology and Foundation Medicine’s leading technology, validation and experience in cancer profiling, together we are:1

  • Increasing understanding of tumours and providing insights on clinical trials to consider, to enable smarter, more efficient research and development
  • Improving patient care by providing genomic insights with associated targeted therapies, immunotherapies and relevant clinical trials
Molecular understanding of cancer Help patients find clinical trials Help select treatment plans Database & Analytics interface R&D Collaboration Clinical Practice Collaboration Patient outcomes

Date of item: January 2022. M-IE-00000628
  1. Roche Media Release, 2018. Available at: (Accessed August 2021).